The main objectives of the LIFE STREAMS project are the recovery and conservation of the native Mediterranean trout (Salmo cettii) through the design and application of a series of coordinated actions that lead to a global strategy valid for the entire species.

4 main objectives derive from the main objectives:

Develop and test a series of additional conservation strategies to restore the biodiversity of S.cettii through the elimination of sources of introgression, the eradication of alien specimens also through selective fishing and the mobile support farms of native populations.


Design and apply an integrated monitoring system to monitor and improve the quality of water and habitats with the application of the DMV (minimum vital flow) and reducing the fragmentation of the river basin auctions, in accordance with the European Directive 2000/60/CE (Water Framework Directive) on the protection and management of water resources.


Prepare and apply the “Guidelines for the conservation and management of native Mediterranean trout” so that they become the main reference tool for the conservation actions of the entire species.


Develop an effective strategy to combat the phenomenon of illegal restocking based on raising awareness and involving stakeholders, on increasing the territorial control system and regulatory and legislative instruments.


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