To achieve the objectives, LIFE STREAMS foresees a series of actions to be carried out throughout the project period.
Preliminary actions
Preparation of technical and legal bases for the implementation of the project
Production of an agreed operating protocol for the environmental characterization of the river basins involved in the project
Collection of data for the genetic and demographic description of the populations of S. cettii (detection of the fully autochthonous populations, the optimal sites in which to install the mobile farms and the stretches of the river in which to select selective fishing activities; localization of the sites in which proceed with the eradication of alien trout and the best places where to install the passages to facilitate the ascent of the fish)
Conservation and monitoring actions
Reintroduction and repopulation in the project areas carried out with genetically suitable Mediterranean trout, the result of a careful genetic selection of the breeding animals which will begin two seasons of artificial reproduction with the installation of mobile fry along the rivers
Improvement of the condition in populations with a degree of introgression of less than or equal to 50% through additional strategies such as: direct introduction of pure specimens from the sites of origin, selective fishing involving carefully selected and previously trained fishermen, restocking with artificially bred fry coming from from the same river basin
Restoration of the native population in rivers with a high degree of introgression (over 80%) through the eradication of alien specimens (selective fishing combined with electro-fishing) and subsequent repopulation with genetically suitable specimens
Protection of habitats and greater opportunities for ascent and movement with the reduction of river fragmentation, which will be accomplished by removing both physical barriers (dams, obstacles) and hydraulic barriers (MDV regulation)
Starting from the results obtained in the pilot areas, preparation of National Guidelines for the management of S. cettii in accordance with the European Directives for biological conservation (“Habitat”, “Alien species” and “Water framework”) integrated with each other and application of the same in protected areas directly and indirectly involved in updating conservation measures
Implementation of a series of integrated actions aimed at contrasting the phenomenon of illegal restocking with alien trout such as: the strengthening of territorial control through video-camera installations and on-call guard services on a voluntary basis, the organization of events and workshops to raise awareness on the risks associated with illegal restocking and the constant updating of regulations to prevent the phenomenon and create an effective system of detention and classification of crimes
Communication and dissemination actions
Evaluation of the results obtained from conservation actions thanks to a continuous updating of the methodologies adopted and of the results obtained in the 6 pilot areas, to transfer the methodologies to 11 other transferability areas (horizontal transferability); collection of data on the effects of the different strategies put in place to design the National Guidelines valid for all populations of native Mediterranean trout (vertical transferability)
Maximum communication and dissemination of the project to ensure replicability and transferability, ensuring wide visibility of the activities carried out and the results obtained, involving local stakeholders and with an exchange of knowledge and skills with complementary initiatives.
- Identification and protection of at least 11 genetically pure native trout populations
- Creation of at least 11 additional pure populations
- 5% increase in the autochthonous genotype compared to that found ex ante
- Decrease in the alien genotype by at least 5% compared to that found ex ante
- Eradication of at least 11 alien trout populations
- Production of at least 66,000 native fry
- Removal of at least 3,600 native Mediterranean trout
- DMV guaranteed in at least 51 sites
- Removal of at least 5 river barriers
- Increase in the average abundance of native populations up to a minimum of 10 g / m2
- Quality increase of the age structure of the native populations (Proportional Stock Index) equal to 35
- Reduction in the probability of extinction of local populations thanks to the increase in colonization rates
- Adoption of common guidelines for the management and conservation of populations and habitats of S. cettii in 17 (6 pilot +11) protected areas covering a significant part of the native area
- Increase in the number of reports and notifications against illegal restocking in the affected areas thanks to the update of the regulations in the 6 pilot areas
- At least 3,000 people sensitized on the problem of illegal storage
- Creation of 6 guard groups with at least 100 local volunteers
- Post-LIFE Management Plan (After-LIFE Plan).