First sowings at the MMV Park
The first #STREAMS sowings have begun at the Montemarcello-Magra-Vara Park: over 6,000 eggs in the semi-artificial nests and almost 15,000 small fry released in the Durla.
Inside a vibert box with the PNM
At the Maiella National Park, sowing carried out using Vibert boxes is also closely monitored.
First restocking of larvae raised at the S. Eufemia hatchery in Maiella
Around 500 Mediterranean trout larvae were released into the Fosso S. Spirito watercourse in Roccamorice where some Vibert boxes containing embryonated eggs had already been placed a few months ago.…
STREAMS actions at the Pollino National Park
From our partner Pollino National Park we receive these beautiful images of the STREAMS actions in support of the reproductions taking place in the Esaro, Mercure and Lao basins.
Beating hearts
Beating hearts in our hatcheries in Sant’Eufemia and Chiusola.
#STREAMS Course for tourist operators in Maiella
Today there was a training meeting between the technical-scientific team of the Maiella National Park and some tourist operators from the Orta Valley who will help us in dissemination actions,…
STREAMS hatchery of the Maiella park
Eggs close to hatching and first Mediterranean trout larvae at the #STREAMS hatchery of the Maiella National Park.
Chiusola hatchery: record numbers
With the latest fertilization carried out for #STREAMS last week, there are currently 127,000 Mediterranean trout eggs incubated in Chiusola. Some of them are really close to hatching and will…
Video Premilcuore second part
Here is the second part of the video shot at the Premilcuore hatchery, in which the ichthyologist Andrea De Paoli illustrates the phases of squeezing the eggs and collecting the…
Premilcuore opens the doors to STREAMS
Thanks to the Foreste Casentinesi National Park and the ichthyologist Andrea De Paoli, the Premilcuore hatchery welcomed us, allowing us to document for you the salient phases of the STREAMS…