Our project on La Nuova Ecologia

The research conducted by Francesco Curreli for #STREAMS on the populations of native Sardinian trout has aroused considerable interest: don’t miss the article that La Nuova Ecologia dedicates to him…

The 2024 Researchers’ Night

The 2024 Researchers’ Night was a huge success at the ISPRA headquarters in Ozzano, attracting over 4,000 visitors, young and old. And among the featured projects was our LIFE STREAMS!

Late summer restocking in Maiella

We are happy to share this video that our leader, Maiella National Park, sent us, where, in recent days, about a thousand Mediterranean trout were released into the Orta and…

Happy Ferragosto!

On this festive day, let’s remember the importance of preserving our river ecosystems and the biodiversity that inhabits them. Thank you for your continued support in protecting our waters and…

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