Finished the sampling at PMagra

In the Montemarcello Magra Vara park on July 13, the last sampling day took place at the Ruschia stream, which is part of the dense water network on the left…

Sampling at PMagra

Further Life Streams sampling continues also in the Montemarcello-Magra-Vara Park. On 23 June 2021, together with Cesbin – Centro Studi BioNaturalistici – activities took place at the Mangia and Durla…

Streams investigations at Pollino

In the first week of June, the biologists and naturalists of the Hyla Naturalistic Studio, assisted by the staff of the Pollino National Park, investigated the fish populations of some…

Round Table SIM

Today, on the occasion of the World Fly Fishing Day, the Italian School of Fly Fishing – SIM organizes a Round Table on the theme of the reintroduction of the…

Sibillini National Park – Recruiting fishermen

In order to achieve the important conservation objectives of the Mediterranean trout envisaged by our project, the involvement and collaboration of fishermen is also fundamental as they are interested in…

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