On Rio Mangia – Montemarcello-Magra-Vara Park

On Wednesday 29 July, the practical training of our project moved to the Montemarcello-Magra-Vara park, at the Rio Mangia SPA. It was a day among vaironi, barbi, chub, eel and…

Practical training and sampling in Flumineddu

On Wednesday 15 July 2020 the first day of sampling and practical training provided for by our project took place in Sardinia. More precisely, we were in the Rio Flumineddu,…

Precious finds in the Orfento river

During the practical exercise in Majella on 9 July, in the waters of the Orfento we found an exuvia of indigenous river shrimp. As is well known, it is a…

First pratical training in Majella

After the theoretical training, administered totally online last June (given the persistence of the Covid-19 pandemic which makes it impossible to organize it in the presence), we finally moved on…

Information day at the PNFC

We also talked about our #LIFEStreams project in the “Information Day” on 11 June, promoted by our partner Casentino Forests National Park and dedicated to the in-depth study for hiking…

Welcome to LIFE STREAMS Project

Today we launch #LIFEStreams, a new European project that aims to recover and protect the native Mediterranean trout and its habitats in 6 pilot areas distributed throughout the country.We have…

#Coronavirus emergency in Italy

As we all know, the Italian territory is today entirely “Red Zone”, a containment measure recently adopted by the Government to counter the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that all the…

First monitoring visit for LIFE STREAMS

On 18 February 2020, at the operational headquarters in Sulmona of the Majella National Park, the Monitor commissioned by the European Commission met all the partners of our project for…

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